
Getting Started

Welcome to Up2Share's Static Website Hosting! Currently in beta, our platform allows you to host your static websites effortlessly. Whether you're a developer looking to deploy your projects quickly or a content creator wanting an easy way to share your work, Up2Share provides the tools you need.

Ready to get started? Experience the simplicity and power of Up2Share's Static Website Hosting by trying it out for yourself.

Get Started Now

  1. Create an Account: Sign up for an Up2Share account if you haven't already.
  2. Upload Your Files: Use either our file management tools to upload your HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other supported files or upload your website as zipfile.
  3. Deploy and Share: Once your files are uploaded, your static website is live and ready to be shared with the world.

Try Hosting Your First Static Website on Up2Share

We can't wait to see what you'll create!

Accessing Your Static Website

Your static website will be accessible through a unique subdomain URL formatted as, where subdomain is a human-readable and customizable name of your choice. This makes it easy to share your site with others and keep your branding consistent.

Main Features

  • File Management: Easily upload, rename, and delete files and folders. Navigate through your directory structure with our intuitive interface.
  • Basic Live Code Editor: Edit your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files directly from the web interface with syntax highlighting and error checking.
  • Statistics: Get insights into your website's performance with detailed statistics on requests, traffic, and more.
  • Request Logs: Monitor incoming requests to your static site, helping you understand your audience and troubleshoot issues.


  • Supported Extensions: Our platform supports a variety of file types including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSON, XML, YAML, TXT, and more. Unsupported file types will be rejected.
  • Maximum Depth: The directory structure supports up to 8 levels of nested folders.
  • File Size Limit: There are constraints on the maximum size of files that can be uploaded. Ensure your files meet the size requirements specified in the documentation.


Up2Share offers a RESTful API for managing your static websites programmatically. Here is a list of currently available endpoints:

🌐 Static Websites

  • Create Static Website: POST /v1/static-websites
    • Creates a new static website.
  • Delete Static Website: DELETE /v1/static-websites/{uuid}
    • Deletes the specified static website.

🚀 Deployments

  • Deploy Updates to Static Website: POST /v1/static-websites/{uuid}/deployments
    • Deploys updates to the specified static website. Requires file parameter. Optional parameters include version.

📂 File Management

  • List Files: GET /v1/static-websites/{uuid}/files
    • Lists all files and folders in the specified static website.
  • Upload File: POST /v1/static-websites/{uuid}/upload
    • Uploads a new file to the specified static website. Requires file and key parameters.
  • Delete File: DELETE /v1/static-websites/{uuid}/files
    • Deletes a specified file from the static website. Requires key parameter.
  • Rename File: POST /v1/static-websites/{uuid}/files/rename
    • Renames a specified file. Requires old_key and new_key parameters.
  • Get File: GET /v1/static-websites/{uuid}/file
    • Retrieves the contents of a specified file. Requires key parameter.

📈 Statistics

  • Get Hourly Requests Count: GET /v1/static-websites/{uuid}/statistics/requests/hourly
    • Fetches statistical data for the specified static website.
  • Get Requests By Country: GET /v1/static-websites/{uuid}/statistics/country
    • Fetches statistical data for the specified static website.

📄 Request Logs

  • Get Logs: GET /v1/static-websites/{uuid}/logs
    • Retrieves request logs for the specified static website.

More to Come

We're constantly working to improve Up2Share. Here are some features we're planning to add soon:

  • Custom Domain Support: In the near future, we will introduce the ability to host your static websites on custom domains. This feature will allow you to use your own domain name instead of the default subdomain format ( With custom domain support, you can maintain your unique brand identity and provide a more professional appearance to your visitors.
  • CI/CD Integrations: Automate your deployment process with continuous integration and continuous deployment support.

Stay tuned for updates and new features!

We hope you enjoy using Up2Share's Static Website Hosting. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to reach out to our support team. Happy hosting!